Our Team

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Fun facts about me: 
Speaks Fluent Mandarin, youngest out of 4 siblings, loves indoor rock climbing, finds music and movement to be the best way to express herself, and love dogs. 

​Why did you decide to work with preschoolers? 
I love this age because they are filled with wonder and imagination and love. Just like a new clay being shaped, they are so pure hearted to learn and always unafraid to ask questions. 

What do you love the most about teaching or working with little ones? 
At this age, is just a humbling age. I love their enthusiasm for learning and the excitement in their eyes when you are teaching or showing them something for the first time. I also love the endless laughter and hugs — what could be better?

From your perspective, what makes the Seedings so special? 
It's a place where the little Seedlings can really base their faith on God's Word and learn different ways they can maintain them as they grow older. 





Fun facts about me: 
I speak 3 languages, and I love to solve puzzles.

Why did you decide to work with preschoolers? 
I grew up surrounded by a big family. Most of my cousins were around preschool age and so there was always a fun atmosphere, especially when we would learn different songs and spellings together. I missed this the most as I got older and eventually went on to college.

What do you love the most about teaching or working with little ones? 
Preschool age is a very crucial stage and a child’s mental growth. With this in mind I want to be able to contribute and offer all the resources needed for the little ones to build confidence, courage, and the desire to learn.

From your perspective, what makes the Seedlings so special? 
It’s a space where we all truly display care.


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Fun facts about me: 
I can play the acoustic double bass, electric bass, piano, guitar, drums, and cajon, and bowling is a sport I'm pretty good at.

Why did you decide to work with preschoolers? 
I loved children ever since I was young. My mom is a dance teacher who taught all ages from traditional dances to modern contemporary dances. I was always the helper whenever she took on new students. To be honest, I didn't think I would become a teacher until college when I looked back at my life and realized really just how much I was surrounded by little ones.

What do you love the most about teaching or working with little ones? 
From baby to preschool and grade school, the child takes in everything like a blank page. I am amazed to see how one day they can go from laying on their tummy to standing up and walking. That's truly what I love the most; seeing the little ones grow to love art or math or different outdoor activities, seeing the way they can communicate well to share what their thoughts are. Beautiful!

From your perspective, what makes the Seedlings so special? 
It gives the opportunity for the children to have a taste of what it means to live a life of faith, to jumpstart their hunger to learn about God and His word, and to nurture children who live with a purpose in life as they maneuver through life.